What Was The Most Influential Moment Of Your Life? (Ikigai Writing Prompt)
How did it change you?
Think back to a moment in time that changed everything. A time that shattered your notions about how the world should work. An event that inspired you to go out and create something. Or fix something. Or simply wake the f*$k up. Think of the day after which nothing would ever be the same.
It can be good or bad. Heartening or depressing. The main criteria is the mark that it left. The moment you knew who you wanted to be or the moment you knew who you would never be. Because when we think about passion and meaning, we tend to focus on the positive stuff. The stuff we love. But when you are looking to build purpose in your life, sometimes your passion can be about fixing something that is wrong. Fighting an injustice. Finding a better way to do something. Sometimes, what you care most about is making sure that horrible thing never happens to anyone else ever again.
What experience in your life really solidified something about your character? About the way you view the world? What was the most influential moment of your life? Why? What has it motivated you to do?