What's Holding You Back? (Ikigai Writing Prompt)
What biases, assumptions, and limiting beliefs are preventing you from getting what you want?
On May 6, 1954, Roger Bannister became the first person to record a 4-minute mile. One month later, two other people achieved the same thing. This is a poignant example of the power of belief. Sometimes it is the primary hurdle that stands in the way of your advancement. Simply changing your mindset to explore why things are possible, rather than identifying why they are not, can open up your mind to incredible ideas that you wouldn’t have given it permission to explore if you were attempting to find all the reasons something wouldn’t work.
There is an expression often used when talking about the Law of Attraction: “thoughts become things,” which suggests that we can use our mind to create or manifest something. For the more scientifically inclined among you, this goes hand in hand with a mental model called "confirmation bias." In other words, we find proof of the things we believe to be true. So, if you think that life is cruel, and meant to be endured rather than enjoyed, you will likely find things to prove that this belief is true. If you think that everyday brings a new opportunity, instead, you will find proof to support that belief.
Why not set your confirmation bias to work in your favor, by deciding to believe in the reality that you desire, and finding evidence of that belief? The first step is reflecting on the limiting beliefs that are already governing your thoughts. When you are conscious of these, it is easier to recognize them when they pop up. And when you recognize them, you can go about re-directing your thoughts.
What beliefs are standing in your way?